Wednesday, October 06, 2010

More iHAB2

The following was posted on QRP-L today.  Take the time to go watch the YouTube launch video, it is fascinating!

iHAB-2 Launch Update

First, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the second launch of the iHAB Project. I would like to thank QRP ARCI ( for sponsoring thisflight. iHAB-2 was a great success, and I am pleased with the overwhelming responses I have received! Amateur Radio operators from around the world tuned in to take a listen and watch iHAB-2 on it flight.

Here are some statistics for iHAB-2

Flight lasted 4hours 28min. iHAB-2 ascended to 87,100 feet, and covered over 170 miles. The balloon and payload landed safely in a corn field east of Rockbridge, IL. Thanks to the help of 3 local hams operators & experienced FoxFunters, it was recovered within 30min of landing. Many thanks to Mark Joseph (KC9DUU) - Jesse Risley (K9JLR) - Jeremy Lamb (KC9KGJ) for their fantastic work!

The APRS telemetry didn't work as well as expected due to VERY sparse APRS iGate density along the flight path. The camera on board took 2100 digital photos, and provided some excellent pictures of the earth in near space. The High Resolution version of the iHAB-2 Panoramic is "out of this world"! It is a MUST SEE!

Over 350 signal reports were submitted worldwide from the 14.059 CW beacon.

The iHAB-2 website has been updated with post flight analysis data, photos, as well as PreLaunch, Launch, and recovery videos. Feel free to share your experience withyour fellow hams, and prepare for iHAB-3 launch very soon!

Keep Looking Up!

Launch Video:

Flight Photos:

Marshal WØOTM

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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